Interesting in joining A-Level? Applications will open in Winter 2025! Read below for information about our recruiting cycle and how to join the team.
A-Level Capital is open to Johns Hopkins University students of all years and majors. The student team is mostly composed of undergraduates, but we also have graduate students on the team and welcome any who have interest in entrepreneurship and investing to apply.
You do not need to have prior experience in venture capital to apply; in fact, A-Level takes pride in the intellectual diversity of the student team, so don't hesitate to apply if you come from an "untraditional" background outside of finance or tech.
Generally, applications open in the winter months and close at the beginning of the Spring semester. You can find more information about the application process below.
Our recruitment process consists of several stages each designed to assess candidates in a holistic manner.
The first step in the process consists of a 2-part application. In the first portion of the application, we garner some general information about each candidate and assess how they work with others. In the second portion of the application, we ask candidates to complete a sourcing exercise to gauge investment sense. The second part is sent soon after completion of the first part.
After applications are reviewed, candidates are invited to interview with us. At this stage, we are primarily assessing interest, and will be asking behavioral questions. This stage of the interview is non-technical.
In the final stage of the process, candidates must complete a three-part interview. At this stage, we assess the candidate for skills necessary to succeed as a member of A-Level Capital. These are a mixture of analytical and soft skills. After the three interviews, candidates can look out for an email from the team detailing their status.
Candidates are encouraged to prepare for their interviews. That said, there are a few things we really look out for when conducting the process. The ideal candidate: